SIBA : All Pages
Picture Credits
Accessibility Statement
About the Project
Prehistory of The Bahamas/TCI
Bahamian/TCI cultural material
The iconography of the archipelago
Stone exotics in The Bahamas archipelago
Effigy or ceremonial celts
Monolithic axes
Anthropomorphic and zoomorphic carvings
Bahamian and Turks and Caicos Museum Collections: a brief history
Project Team
Contact Us
Educational Resources
2 Journey's End
3 Cassava and Mischief
Material Culture and Cultural Practices
1 Island Exchanges
4 Fisherfolk
5 Islands Harvest
6 Canoe Builders
7 The Weavers
8 The Bead-makers
9 Palmetto Potters
10 Beyond the Everyday
Key to Educational Resource Links and Popups
11 Duho Carver
12 Field Gardens
Oxford Mosaic Accessibility Statement
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